Minggu, 01 November 2009

The rise of Swine Influenza (Swine Flu)

Apart from the deadly virus from birds or more in the know also with bird flu, now the world has launched a new virus called Swine influenza or swine flu. Avian flu is a disease of pigs in the pig acute respiratory virus types A, a disease caused Family Orthomyxoviridae influenza virus subtype H1N1 type A which can be transmitted by animals, especially pigs, and there is the possibility of human diseases.

Swine flu initially spread only among the pig through the pig snout contact, through the air but this type of virus can not survive long in the air. Beginning swine flu contagious to humans is in Mexico. People who work with poultry and pigs have a high risk for exposure to infectious diseases transmitted between animals and humans (zoonoses). Been reported incidents of influenza transmission from pigs to workers, in the year 2004 by the University of Iowa. The symptoms suffered by people infected with swine flu is almost the same as seasonal flu, the usual fever, loss of appetite, fatigue and cough. Some experience sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The only difference is the swine flu virus deadly virus too.

H1N1 virus was initially not a serious response by the Mexican government, but claimed after the virus killed 159 people has been reached and the number of people with almost 2500 people through the numbers, then the role of government in action. All activities in Mexico at the stop, from the start of school activities, work, shop activities to prevent the spread of the virus more widely. H1N1 virus of fear will be felt by other countries. Some Mexican citizens residing in hotels in other countries in quarantine in a hotel because they were afraid of the people tested positive for H1N1 mexico, but in fact not all people who come from Mexico tested positive for H1N1. Not only that, the fear of H1N1 virus was also felt by the government in Indonesia. When news of the virus reached the ears of government, every citizen who entered or left the State either through the airport or port to the health check first with the temperature detector pair at each entrance. If a person's body temperature had reached 38 to 41 ˚ C should be further screened to prevent the spread of dangerous viruses.

To prevent infection, it is recommended to wash hands frequently with soap alcohol-based sanitizers, especially when traveling in public places. Avoid touching eyes, nose, mouth before cleaning his hands first. If you cough, cover with tissue and discard in the trash immediately, and wash your hands again. Swine flu virus vulnerable to drugs such as amantadine, rimantadine, oseltamivir and zanamivir, but for 2009 this epidemic, recommended treatment using oseltamivir and zanamivir. H1N1 vaccine for humans is not effective to protect against H1N1 swine flu, although the same strain of virus, but it is different antigentik.

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